Cakephp 3.3.9 發佈了,CakePHP 是一個運用了諸如 ActiveRecord、Association Data Mapping、Front Controller 和 MVC 等著名設計模式的快速開發框架。該項目主要目標是提供一個可以讓各種層次的 PHP 開發人員快速地開發出健壯的 Web 應用,而又不失靈活性。
- An invalid option was removed from JsonView.
- ShellDispatcher now logs fewer warnings about duplicate shells when debug logging is enabled.
- The exception message raised when an ORM update fails due to missing primary key values has been improved.
- Xml::toArray() no longer errors on tag names that match application class names.
- Console errors no longer include duplicate tags when invalid options are used.
- Improved API documentation for return & parameter types.
- Router no longer parses extensions in a greedy way.
- Route key elements can now be a single character.
- BreadCrumbsHelper was added. This helper offers and improved API over the existing breadcrumb features offered by HtmlHelper.
- Cake\Network\Response now features a __debugInfo() method.
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